Przeskocz do treści strony
Marta Wilczyńska
Surgical treatments

Ear protruding - otoplasty/ear pinning

The procedure is performed on patients with ears protruding on one side or on both sides (protruding pinna). It is performed under regional anesthesia with an intravenous administration of painkillers. The procedure consists of partial removal of the skin located near the posterior pinna, shaping and suturing cartilages with unabsorbable stitches and finally suturing the skin.

After the procedure a special pressure dressing is being used as ears tend to be swollen, red, sore, and very sensitive to touch. Patient should take painkillers. Above mentioned symptoms will subside in the course of time.

The patient should wear a headband covering the ears during day and night (24 hours a day) for 1 month after the procedure. In the 2 and 3 months after the procedure the band could be worn only at night.

Consequences and possible complications after the correction of protruding ears:

  1. Swelling and bruising - this is a consequence, not a complication.
  2. Asymmetry, we are not symmetrical although it seems to the layman that our body is symmetrical. Therefore, despite all efforts, perfect symmetry cannot be achieved.
  3. Hematoma under the skin causing prolonged extreme swelling, thick scarring and poorer aesthetic effect or destruction of cartilage structures and ear distortion.
  4. Infection with suppuration, wound dehiscence, and a consequent unsightly scar.
  5. Hypertrophic or keloid scars.
  6. Relapse of ears protruding.
  7. Disturbance of sensation of the auricle.
  8. Periodic or persistent pain symptoms.
  9. Skin necrosis caused by pressure.
  10. Allergies to medications used.

Ważne informacje

Surgery time45 min
Stitches removeAbsorbable, not required
Convalescence time2 weeks
Return to office work after2 weeks
Return to physical work1 month
Return to the gim1 month
Wizyty kontrolne3, 6, 12 miesięcy