Przeskocz do treści strony
Marta Wilczyńska
Surgical treatments

Female breast reduction

Breast reduction is an operation performed in patients with large breasts for health reasons. Reducing the breasts brings relief to the patient in carrying them, reduces back pain and the cutting of the bra straps into the shoulders and improves their shape. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the treatment is from 1.5 to 2.5 hours depending on the size of the reduction.

Each treatment is preceded by appropriate planning of skin cuts. The surgeon removes excess skin, subcutaneous tissue, and part of the glands, moving the areola-nipple complex to a new location. The remaining tissue forms the new shape of the breast. We have several options for transferring the areola-nipple complex during breast reduction. All it depends on the distance of their position in relation to the clavicle and the inframammary fold. We can move them on the so-called upper or lower flap. But there are also cases in which we are forced to cut off completely the areola-nipple complex from the body and after the reduction and creation of a new shape of the breast, transfer it to a newly planned place as a skin graft.

Different types of incisions are used in reducing surgical techniques. The most frequently used technique is that the cuts are shaped like a keyhole. After such cuts, an anchor-shaped scar remains. Other cuts can eliminate such extensive scars, but each is selected individually and depends on the size of the reduction.

After reduction, we can additionally support the tissues with a mesh preventing it from falling.

After the surgery, the patient is wearing a dressing and a bra, which she should wear for 3 months. For a period of 3 weeks, you should avoid any physical effort, especially when it involves the arms i.e., lifting or lifting the arms up. Professional work can be started if it is not manual work, 2 weeks after the surgery.

Ważne informacje

Surgery time2-2,5 hours
Stitches removeAbsorbable, not required
Convalescence time 1 month
Return to office work after2 weeks
Return to physical work1 month
Return to the gym after3 months
Wizyty kontrolne3, 6, 12 miesięcy