Przeskocz do treści strony
Marta Wilczyńska
Surgical treatments

Mini tummy tuck (mini abdominoplasty)

Mini tummy tuck is dedicated to patients with excess or hanging skin folds ONLY in the lower abdomen. We do not have excess skin in the epigastrium!!! The belly button is not distorted.

Each treatment is preceded by appropriate planning of skin cuts and the scope of preparation. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia or in the spine (spinal anesthesia).

  • The procedure always starts with abdominal liposuction.
  • Then, I make an incision in the lower abdomen as low as possible after taking measurements relative to the connection of the labia majora in the midline of the abdomen, dissecting the skin and subcutaneous tissue from the abdominal fascia to the navel.
  • The prepared skin is stretched towards the pubic symphysis.
  • I remove excess skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Tissue glue is used, and the skin is sutured.

There is a scar in the lower abdomen that is hidden in the underwear. The patient may walk slightly bent at the waist for the first few days. It depends on the tension on the displaced skin flap.

After the surgery, a tightening abdominal belt is put on, which should be worn for 2 months. Strenuous physical exertion and heavy lifting for 3 months should be avoided. Return to work, if it does not require excessive lifting, is possible 2 weeks after the surgery.

Consequences and possible complications after tummy tuck:

  1. Swelling and bruising are an indispensable consequence of the treatment.
  2. Asymmetry - the human body is not symmetrical, therefore achieving symmetry is practically impossible.
  3. Hematoma in the space under the sliding flap - requires surgical intervention and removal of the hematoma
  4. Lymph cysts (seroma)
  5. Infection and abscess in the wound.
  6. Marginal or larger skin necrosis, sometimes between the skin and the navel
  7. Aseptic necrosis of adipose tissue most common in patients who are overweight and / or obese
  8. Irregularities of the skin.
  9. Hypoesthesia of the skin in the lower abdomen above the scar.
  10. Pain, periodic, persistent without distortion.
  11. Allergies to medications used
  12. Venous thrombosis with pulmonary embolism and death
  13. Dissatisfaction with the aesthetic effect.
  14. Deep vein thrombosis with pulmonary embolism and death