Przeskocz do treści strony
Marta Wilczyńska
Surgical treatments

Male breast reduction/ Gynecomastia

Male breast reduction is a procedure called gynecomastia. Sometimes, because of obesity, we deal with the so-called psudogynecomastia, where the main component of the breast is only fat.

In mixed gynecomastia, the areola-nipple complex is much larger than it should be. The diameter of the correct, not cut areola-nipple complex in a man does not exceed 2.5 cm. The patient should conduct an endocrine examination to make sure that the above-mentioned deformations are not the result of a hormonal imbalance. Additionally, an ultrasound assessment can be performed.

In real male breast hypertrophy, the excess tissue around the breast is a component of three tissues: glandular tissue, connective tissue, and adipose tissue. Each treatment is preceded by appropriate planning of skin cuts. Tissue reduction is performed using the liposuction technique, surgical reduction of the gland and partially connective tissue. First, the suction of adipose tissue is carried out, and then the oversized gland and adjacent connective tissue are removed from separate cuts on the skin in the lower part on the border of the areola and skin. The resulting tissue defect is filled by plasty of the remaining connective tissue and Scarpa fascia.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia or deep sedation. It takes about 1 hour.

After the procedure, the patient is obliged to wear a special compression vest for a period of 3 months. Initially for 1 month 24 hours a day, then only for sleeping.

Consequences and possible complications after male breast reduction surgery:

  1. Swelling and bruising are an indispensable consequence of the treatment.
  2. Asymmetry - the human body is not symmetrical, the removed glands are also not symmetrical, one may be larger, the other larger, therefore achieving symmetry is practically impossible.
  3. Hematoma in the space after the removed gland - requires surgical intervention and removal.
  4. Infection and abscess in the wound.
  5. Partial necrosis of the areola or areola and nipple.
  6. Retraction of the skin around the areola-nipple.
  7. Disappearance of the prominence of the nipple.
  8. Distortion of the roll bag.
  9. Skin unevenness.
  10. Pain, periodic, persistent without distortion.
  11. Lack of nipple sensation is a consequence of the procedure.
  12. Allergies to medications used.
  13. Venous thrombosis with pulmonary embolism and death
  14. Unsatisfaction the aesthetic effect.

Ważne informacje

Surgery time45 min
Convalescence time2 weeks
Stitches removeAbsorbable, not required
Return to office work after2 weeks
Return to physical work1 month
Return to the gim1 month
Wizyty kontrolne3, 6, 12 miesięcy